The 5 questions of on-site organizing services

First off, who hires a professional organizer, anyway?

Literally, anyone.  Single parents, married parents, empty nesters, singles who have never married and don't have any children, college students, doctors, lawyers, librarians, office managers, therapists, stay-at-home-parents, retirees.  Anyone who is tired of physical and mental clutter weighing them down.  

What do Professional Organizers do? 

Lots of things :) 

A big part of what I do is help people go through their physical belongings and guide them through the process of what to keep and what to get rid of. 

I show them options for rearranging their space in a way that works for how they live, and create organizing and storage solutions that fit.

What I DO NOT do is tell them what they need to part with.  I will ask questions to help them decide, but the decision of what stays and what goes is always made by the client.  

After the client has decided what they want to keep, I help them find the ideal storage solutions for those items.  Often times, the client doesn't need to purchase any additional storage pieces because we are able to reuse and repurpose what they already have.

The services I offer are:

Residential organizing (and decluttering)

Business organizing (and decluttering)


Decluttering before a move

Unpacking and organizing

Decluttering after a death

Paper Management

System Design



What do Professional Organizer organize?

Basically, anything that needs it.

Clients call for all sorts of reasons.  Some of the most common are:

    • They are overwhelmed by their stuff/clutter.
    • Their clutter is impacting their life in a negative way.
    • They are tired of being disorganized, but they don't know where to start to make it better.
    • The amount of clutter in their home or office is impacting their ability to maintain the space.
    • They want someone who will motivate them and keep them on track.
    • They are preparing for a move.
    • They are downsizing.
    • They need help figuring out effective storage solutions.
    • They are drowning in paper and don’t know how to manage it.
    • They are going through a stressful life transition.
    • They have lost a loved one and are left to clean out the belongings.



    What spaces do you work in?

    Typically, any room in the home (or business), with the exception of attics - it’s too hot up there!


    So you’ve booked a free 20-minute consult call, what can you expect next?

So you’ve booked a free 20-minute consult call, what can you expect next?

I'll call you at our scheduled time at the number you provided.  I'll ask you about your needs, your goals, and your timeframe.  Then I'll answer any questions you may have.  At the end of the call we'll schedule a time for me to come to your home or business for a walk-through.


What happens at the walk-through


The walk through is a really important part of the process.  It typically lasts anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes and is free of charge.

As I walk through the space with you, I'll ask questions about the space, how you use the space currently, what is working, and what is not. 

We'll discuss the scope of the project and I'll take photos to help me set up a game plan for our time together.  Then, we'll schedule our first session.  

The first session: What to expect

I will show up at the scheduled time with all of the supplies that we will need for the day, minus any storage containers that may need to be purchased.  

We will review your goals for the project as a whole and the objectives for the day.  We will discuss the game plan and I'll answer any questions you may have.  Then, we get started!

Communication: The Key to Our Success

It's really important to me that you feel comfortable and at ease (I know that can be difficult during a daunting task) during the decluttering and organizing process.  Which brings me to the most important part of the process - communication.

Throughout the session I will continue to ask questions (and encourage you to do so, as well).  I cannot read minds, so it's important that you let me know if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply need a break.  

The end of the session

At the end of the session, I'll review with you what we accomplished, discuss next steps, schedule the next session, and collect payment.