Declutter your home with help from a professional organizer for just $97!

Over the clutter?

Kick it to the curb in just six weeks.

Sign up for Six Weeks to an Organized Home and you'll receive daily decluttering tasks with simple, step-by-step instructions from a professional organizer. 

PLUS, awesome bonuses!  

Sign Me Up!
"The whole idea of decluttering becomes overwhelming for me."

- K.C. [31-Day Purge Challenge participant]

Does the thought of

decluttering even one room

overwhelm you so you

never get started?


I want you to know that:

  • You are not a failure.  
  • You are not lazy.
  • You are not alone.  

Cut yourself some slack, and give yourself some grace. 

Adulting is freaking hard!  

You know the saying, the days are long but the years are short?  When I first heard that, years ago, I didn't really believe it.  Years aren't short.  Now that I have a few more years behind me, I realize how much that sentiment runs true.  

The days can feel so long for all that we have to do, yet we run out time for the things we want to do.  We want quality time with our family.  And time for our own interests and pleasures.  

I want that for you. 

Seriously, that is my mission.  I'm not a magical fairy, or a therapist; I am a professional organizer.  I had to learn how to become organized, and more importantly, how to maintain the organizational systems I created for me and my family.  

I've had to work through never ending to-do lists, feeling like I was the only one in the house actually keeping it running.  Feeling bitter and resentment towards my lack of 'me time.'  

The struggle is real.  And, honestly, it breaks my heart.  There is a better way, and want to help you create it for yourself and your family:

  • by reducing your clutter, both physical and mental,
  • getting your home in order,
  • and creating systems that make it easy to maintain that  order.

It is possible.  And it's life-changing.  

Take back your physical space, clear your headspace, and start living the organized life you long for.

When you embark on your organizing journey with me, you will


Be met you where you are.

You choose the pace.  I'm here to help you every step of the way.  Been struggling with clutter for years?  There's a sense of accomplishment waiting for you on the other side of this program.  Ready to feel it? 


Gain confidence.

Clutter is unavoidable.  Learn how to decide what to keep vs, what to declutter, and grow confident in the decluttering process to keep yourself moving forward.


Create successful systems. 

Understand your relationship with clutter and have straightforward strategies for how to manage it in the future.  The right systems help you save time, money, and your sanity.   

Not sure what the headline should be

There is really no secret to getting organized.  There's no right or wrong way to do it.  It's all about identifying your needs and wants, and from there, discovering what works best for you, your family, and your lifestyle. 

Six Weeks to an Organized Home takes all of these factors into consideration.

After all, the organizing challenges of a family with young children is likely quite different from those of empty nesters.  This program helps you break down your unique organizing struggles, uncover the root of the problem, and create manageable strategies for making it better.

You'll follow a simple four step process, sort - purge - group - return, as you work through your clutter a little at a time.  You'll be creating a consistent routine, essentially developing a habit of decluttering.  You're not just purging, though.  The final step in the process, return, is where you will set up a new system for maintaining the order you've created.

I'm Jeni

I help busy families restore harmony to both their physical and mental space with simple, effective, sustainable organizing solutions. 

You may be wondering, "who is this and why should I trust her to help me get organized?" 

Hey, I'm not mad if you're wondering that; I'd want to know, too :)

Here's the scoop on me:

I'm a professional organizer based out of southern Illinois.  I have two boys, one teen and one tween, and an amazing partner who knows his way around all the power tools (which is great because I don't).  

I am a member of NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, as well as the St. Louis chapter of the same, where I hold the volunteer position of newsletter editor, and am slated to join the Board of Directors this coming May as Director of Programming and Professional Development.  

I am not naturally organized, and I love the insight and perspective it gives me when working with clients.  I truly understand the struggle to get and stay organized, and my simple to follow strategies and systems reflect that.


Because I am not naturally organized, once I got the urge to finally declutter and organize my life, I went at it full throttle.  

I've kept up the momentum to keep learning.  I have completed more  than 250 hours of professional education courses related to the study of organization, and have earned several specialist certificates (check out the badges below).

Before becoming a professional organizer, I worked in public relations; development/fundraising; human resources; and training and compliance.  

Besides organizing, I enjoy reading, naps, and cake.

Check Out What People Are Saying

I'm embarrassed to say how many pairs of pants I'm donating...why did I have so many anyway?? Even though I'm only 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, my body shape has totally shifted so none of those pants even flattered me. Goodbye pants! Jeni this is so great because yes I'm decluttering, but it's also giving me some confidence since I'm not seeing piles and piles of clothes that only remind me that I used to be thinner! I'm embracing my new mom body!

-S.S. [31-Day Purge Challenge participant]

The hall linen closet was something I've been meaning to clean out for over a year!  It feels good to have it done!  Thanks for the motivation!

-T.B. [31-Day Purge Challenge participant]

I’ve been working on my kitchen for about a month now and had already eliminated a small toaster oven and a coffee maker. Another day of verification I’ve been on the right track!

-L.B. [31-Day Purge Challenge participant]

Went a little overboard. Got rid of 8 pairs of shoes (and online shopped for 2 replacements, lol). I had heels I never wear, rain boots, flats that were frayed beyond being cute anymore. I didn't get rid of many pants. Of three shelves of clothing and shoes, it's been consolidated down to 2 1/2. Took about an hour and a half. Whew! Thanks for your 14 day challenge. It really resonated with me and showed me that tackling a little bit each time is key for maintaining progress. I'm determined to keep spending 30 mins on the 2 days per week that I work from home to continue slowly making my way through each drawer, cabinet, closet and shelf.

-V.D. [14-Day Declutter Challenge participant]

From Jeni:

”Being organized is not about being perfect, it's about being prepared.  It truly is life-changing.



Take a peek inside Six Weeks to an Organized Home

Week 1

During week 1, we will explore the basics of organization.  Our focus area for this week will be the kitchen.

Week 2

For week 2, we will identify our motivation for getting organized.  Our focus area for this week will be on the bathroom, linens, and laundry areas.

Week 3

Week 3 sees us exploring our relationship with clutter and mapping out a plan for keeping it at bay.  Our focus area for this week will be on the living room, dining room, and entry way.

Week 4

During week 4, we will work through our stumbling blocks and work on retraining our brain.  Our focus area for this week will be on our bedroom and closet.

Week 5

For week 5, we will discover how to create systems that work with us, not against us.  Our focus area for this week will be media, electronics, and collections.

Week 6

For week 6, we will learn how to maintain the systems we create.  Our focus area for this week will be flat surfaces.

Six Weeks to an Organized Home


What You Get

  • Weekly access to Jeni via online office hours, once a week, to get any questions answered.
  • Comprehensive post-course workbook to keep you moving forward.
  • Calendars, checklists, worksheets, and guides to help you through the organizing process.
  • Tips, strategies, and solutions from a trained professional organizer.
  • Access to a private, supportive community of others, just like you.
  • Transferrable skills that can be used throughout virtually any area of your life.
  • A decluttered and organized home.
  • The pride that comes with an organized home.
  • The confidence and know-how to maintain the order.

How It Works

  • Get instant access upon purchasing the course.
  • You'll receive one decluttering/organizing task per day, every day, for six weeks.
  • Tasks are presented in a way that allows you to work at a manageable pace while achieving measurable results.
  • Have a question as you go along?  Ask me using the course community feature; or get your questions answered face to face (virtually) during my weekly office hours.
  • Share your progress with our supportive community, and cheer others on.
  • Stay-up-to-date in the way that works for you - email notification, text notification, or both!

Stop spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.  

Have more tasks than time left at the end of the day?

Getting organized can save you time, money, and your sanity.  It's time for new systems - systems that work.  


Ahhh-mazing Bonuses!

(Seriously - check out #3!)

Bonus #1

A 45-minute Zoom call with me to discuss your unique organizing challenges. 

$90 value

Bonus #2

Bonus course - Paper Management Strategies That Work [even if you are an out-of-sight, out-of-mind type].     

$27 value

Bonus #3

Guide - How to keep going when you feel like everyone is sabotaging your organizing efforts.  


Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take control of your space today.



You'll work at a manageable pace and see results right away.  Plus, you'll have access to a professional organizer to get your most pressing organizing questions answered.