A get-together to get stuff DONE!  



All The Details 

What is 'Declutter It Together'?

It's an opportunity to work on a decluttering or organizing task of your choice during a 60-minute Zoom session with the motivation and support of a professional organizer.  Decluttering is more fun with a partner...let's see how much fun we can have with a group!

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to tackle a small-ish (it's only an hour, after all 😊) decluttering or organizing project.  It's also open to anyone who wants to talk about the topic of decluttering and organizing - whether you like it or loathe it, all are welcome. 

Where will the event be held?

The 'Declutter It Together' event will be held via Zoom.  A link to attend will be sent to each registrant via email.  Get comfy in your home, grab your favorite drink, and join us - and don't worry, you can have your video on or off, nobody is judging you :)

When is it?

'Declutter It Together' will be held on Wednesday, June 7th at 7 pm CST.  We'll keep it going for an hour.  Stay as long as you like during that time.  It will be held live only, there won't be a recording of this event.

How will this event work?

You will simply join the Zoom session via the link that I'll email you.  You should have you project nearby so you can work on it while chatting, if you like, or simply use this as an hour to get it done without saying a word.  

This is a great opportunity to pick the brain of a professional organizer while you accomplish a project in real time.

Hey there,

I'm Jeni, a Certified Virtual Organizing Professional.

I help busy families ditch the stress of a cluttered home with custom organizing solutions that impact more than just their space.  And I do it all without ever even entering their home.

I'd love for you to join me on Wednesday, June 7th at 7 pm CST to tackle a decluttering or organizing project of your choice, independently...together!

"I'm embarrassed to say how many pairs of pants I'm donating...why did I have so many anyway?? Even though I'm only 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, my body shape has totally shifted so none of those pants even flattered me. Goodbye pants! Jeni this is so great because yes I'm decluttering, but it's also giving me some confidence since I'm not seeing piles and piles of clothes that only remind me that I used to be thinner! I'm embracing my new mom body!"





"Attending the 5 day Clean Your Closet Challenge was so inspirational. Breaking the tasks down into doable steps gave me the knowledge and confidence to conquer the task that used to overwhelmed me. Jeni was so encouraging and I felt like I was talking to a good friend. I am so proud and pleased with the results."
