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14-Day Declutter Challenge by Jeni Thompson
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Declutter the most used areas of your home.

See results in just 15-30 minutes a day.

Get organized without the overwhelm.

Make 2022 the year you get organized.  

Starting Monday, January 10th, participants will receive a daily guided prompt for a category to declutter, with step-by-step instructions on how to do it. 


Stop wondering where to start.

 The strategies I will teach you are designed to help you stay organized and can be used in any room of your home. 

Best of all, each day's challenge is designed to be completed quickly, meaning you are making progress toward your goals without sacrificing your valuable time.


New year, decluttered spaces.

 We are going to start the new year off by decluttering the areas of your home that will provide you with tremendous benefit - the kitchen, bathroom, and entry way - three of the most high traffic, high clutter areas.  


It's not about getting rid of things. 

 It's about figuring out what is important to you, what serves you, and what adds to your life.

Stop letting clutter overwhelm you.

Get it done quickly, efficiently and in a way that is easy to maintain.  Quit wishing you could get rid of your clutter; join me for actionable steps to get it done. 

Wondering if the 14-Day Declutter Challenge right for you?

Check out what past participants had to say:

I loved week 1. I purged, organized and cleaned and I feel really good about the kitchen!!!


Enjoyed week 1. Felt really good that I accomplished something each day. The whole idea of decluttering becomes overwhelming to me.


I also loved week 1. It's amazing how cluttered my kitchen was but I had turned a blind eye and didn't even notice it anymore. I'm glad we started in the kitchen. 


(The challenge) was wonderful and I've told many of my friends about it. I would sign up again, as well as many of my friends. It really helps to just have someone give you one task at a time. Otherwise it is so overwhelming and I always look ahead. I liked also that I could do it at my own pace and time.  Loved it!


I was ready for this challenge and found it very helpful. While the challenges were things you could do in under 1 hour, I typically did more than was expected. I would highly recommend the 31 day challenge and Jeni was great to work with!


I moved into my house a little over a year ago. I cleaned out under the sink and put my things away. Today when I pulled out the shallow tubs from under my sink, I noticed something had dripped all over my stuff. It looked like candlewax. With further investigation, I found that it was coming from the soap dispenser that screws in from underneath the sink. It looked like a volcano erupted! I started the challenge this morning thinking it really isn’t necessary to empty this I’m so thankful I did. I really appreciate you offering this course to us for such a reasonable price, Jeni. Thank you!


The hall linen closet was something I’ve been meaning to clean out for over a year! It feels good to have it done! Thanks for the motivation!  


Testimonials from the 31-Day Purge Challenge, March 2021

Learn the simple steps to make the decluttering process easy and routine when you join the 


14-Day Declutter Challenge


Ditch the clutter. 

Spend less time cleaning. 

Have more time for yourself.


Looking for help with decluttering, organizing, or move management that is designed to fit your needs and budget? 


I help people cut through the clutter in their lives, give homes to their belongings, and develop easily maintainable systems so that they can maintain the order that we create.  This work is a passion of mine because getting organized changed my life, and I want to help others do the same.  

I work with clients in-person (if you live in the St. Louis, Missouri metro area, and virtually, for those who live anywhere else.   

The first question I'm always asked during my free phone consultations is "how much do you charge?".  My current rate is $60 per hour.  

The next question I am asked is how long it might take to organize XYZ?  This really depends on each individual client, the scope of the project, and how quickly the client makes decisions. 

To put your mind at ease, let me give you an inside look into what I do and how I do it.  

I take organizing seriously.  In addition to reading countless books, articles, and blogs about getting organized, I joined the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) as well as my local chapter, NAPO-St. Louis.  I have completed 120+ hours of continuing education coursework through NAPO, and have earned certificates in the areas of:

  • Residential Organizing
  • Household Management
  • Life Transitions
  • Brain-Based Conditions

I don't take myself too seriously, though, which is why you should expect to laugh and have fun when working with me :)

There is no judgement from me.  Nothing, nada, zip.  From the moment you let me into your home, you can be assured that I am operating on solutions, not shame.  I don't want you to feel ashamed, embarassed, or guilty about the state of your clutter or disorganization.  I'm here to help.  Working together, we will make it better for you

I want you to feel peace in your space. I want you to have a sense of pride for your space.  I want you to LOVE your space! 

Are you ready to feel the love?  Book a free call with me by clicking here.


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